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How Many Kettlebell Swings A Day

How many kettlebell swings a day

If you’re looking for an easy and effective way to lose weight, build muscle tissue, and stay healthy, then 100 kettlebell swings a day is the answer. This quick workout works every major muscle group in your body in less than 7 minutes, toning your core, strengthening cardiovascular and spinal health, and improving strength levels in the process. Read on to learn how to properly do 100 kettlebell swings a day while eating healthy and forming great new habits.

Why do 100 swings?

Doing 100 kettlebell swings a day is great. Because it’s an easy, achievable start for beginners. It’s also the ideal end of the workout “smoker” for athletes who currently have a solid health club workout habit. 100 kettlebell swings are easily achievable for those just starting out in their health and fitness routine. Set up small groups of 5 to 5 swings for 10 to 15 minutes. This simple introductory article is perfect for getting started. It includes doing more of the top exercises at certain times, or working up to a 250 swing obstacle course over 30 days if they are already familiar with 100 swings.

For experienced athletes, 100 kettlebell swings is the perfect end to a workout. The workout is short enough that you can end a larger workout with it. And it is extreme enough while having enough benefits to be worth adding in.

With determination, 100 kettlebell swings can be done in less than 5 minutes per set. It provides high intensity to the workout while ensuring that each exercise addresses key back, hip, and hamstring posterior chain issues.

How You Should Do 100 Kettlebell Swings Every Day

A new pro athlete should do 100 kettlebell swings every day. In addition, add one more activity to reach a 20-minute total. Experienced pro athletes will do best to add 100 kettlebell swings at the end of their workout.

If you are new to kettlebell swings, start with 100 kettlebell swings every day. Starting with 10 swings on the first day and increasing by 10 swings each day (i.e. 10 on the first day, 20 on the second day, and 30 on the third day) is a great stress reliever. Perform this workout every day until you have completed 100 kettlebell swings.

Doing 100 kettlebell swings each day is a specific workout, but contains enough movement to form a complete 20-minute workout. People who are already in fairly good shape should consider adding 100 kettlebell swings to the end of their workout. This helps provide power, endurance, and aerobic fitness at the end of each workout.

Should you do all the swings at once? Or do them in separate sets?

Experienced professionals should do sets of 100, and beginners should do sets of 10 to 25.

Beginning professionals should complete 100 kettlebell swings in smaller sequences for a healthy, progressive workout. It is recommended to complete 100 swings in sets of 10 to 25 swings. Rest periods between sets should be as short as possible, preferably less than 45 seconds. This keeps the heart rate steady throughout the workout. This in turn provides more cardiovascular, endurance, and performance gains with each workout.

Experienced athletes should try to complete 100 kettlebell swings in as many sets as possible (ideally in groups) to achieve the best results.

Related Article: What do Kettlebell Swings Work?


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