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Reasons to Use Medicine Balls

Top 10 Reasons to Use Medicine Balls

If you’re new to fitness, you might be wondering why we’re talking about medicine balls. Let’s be honest, what exactly is a medicine ball? Medicine balls are balls that are about twice the size of a basketball. They typically weigh anywhere from 3 to 40 pounds – with the most common size being around 14 to 20 pounds. If you’ve ever seen a weight ball, they’re pretty similar. Medicine balls are covered in a leathery plastic so they don’t bounce. Think of a medicine ball as a very large, slightly harder sandbag.

Here are the top 10 reasons to use a medicine ball – in no particular order.

1. Tons of Exercise Options

This is one of the best things about medicine balls – they’re incredibly versatile. Similar to dumbbells and kettlebells, you can do a ton of exercises with a medicine ball. We’ll talk about some exercises that are unique to medicine balls later, but first, let’s cover the basic exercises you can do with a medicine ball.

Since a medicine ball is just a big weight – almost all exercises can be done with it. You can do medicine ball overhead presses, squats, deadlifts, single-leg Romanian deadlifts (to work on your balance), bent-over rows, sit-ups, and more.

2. They can be taken with you

Health balls are very easy to carry around. While they may be larger than dumbbells, they can be taken with you without worrying about them crushing anything else. You also don’t have to worry about them getting damaged or messed up while traveling. Now, when I say travel here, I absolutely only mean traveling by car. I would never try to fly with a health ball. The only equipment that is suitable for flying is resistance bands. Go to the beach or the mountains for the weekend and just throw a health ball in the car and you can get in a few great workouts.

Want some fitness tips that use health balls? Try these.


  • Health ball squats
  • Health ball overhead presses
  • Health ball abdominal twists

10 rounds of:

  • 10 health ball bent-over rows
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 health ball cleans

3. Great value for money

Now with health balls, you don’t want to skimp on quality. The cheap ones will break and you’ll be forced to buy yourself a few months with tape until it breaks completely.

However, a quality exercise ball will last a long time, provide you with a ton of exercise options and uses, and offer great value. You can find quality exercise balls in the $50-75 range, depending on weight and brand. A ball that is at least 14 pounds is recommended, and no more than 30 pounds. Generally, the best option for men is a 20-pound ball, and the best option for women is a 14-pound ball, but the weight depends on what you primarily use it for.

If you are considering using it as a strength training tool, go with a heavier weight, if you are considering using it for conditioning, high repetition, fitness workouts, a lighter weight ball around 14-20 pounds might be good. Finding the right balance is key.

4. You can throw them

This is probably what a lot of people love about medicine balls – you can throw them. Had a tough day at work, or someone cut you off in traffic? Take out your frustration on a medicine ball – medicine balls are made for this. Because medicine balls are relatively light, you can put some strength into the ball and throw it.

One of the most common exercises you can use in your training is the wall ball throw. If you have never done these, you have to try it. You will feel it in your legs, shoulders, and core – it is definitely a full body workout. What you do is hold the base of the medicine ball with your feet about 2 feet away from the wall. Then you squat down, and at the top of the squat, use your legs and shoulders to throw the medicine ball over the wall. Typically, you want to aim for about 9-10 feet in the air. Then catch the ball as you squat, and repeat the movement—be prepared, the wall ball throw is going to get pretty hard.

Other medicine ball exercises include overhead throws, rotational throws, kneeling medicine ball throws, and wrestling throws.

5. Great for developing strength

While the wall ball isn’t necessarily a “strength” exercise, the last three mentioned certainly are.

Performing overhead or rotational throws is great for training strength and improving athletic ability and performance. This is especially important for athletes. Overhead throws and kneeling medicine ball throws will allow you to perform hip extension, a key element of sprinting and jumping.

Rotational throws are great for training strength while rotating. This is especially useful for athletes who participate in sports that involve a lot of rotation, such as tennis, baseball, softball, and golf. However, all athletes and all people can benefit from incorporating rotational throws and various medicine ball throws into their routines.

6. Mimicking real-life movements

When we exercise, train, or work out (whichever word you feel best describes your fitness life), one of our goals should be to mimic real-life movements. Now, that’s not to say don’t go for a huge pump on arm day, but it’s also important to try to prioritize workouts that will keep you moving and healthy for life.

By mimicking real-life movements I mean – imagine picking up a box off the floor. A heavy box might weigh around 20-30 pounds and be fairly wide. While dumbbells and barbells are great (and can be loaded with heavier stuff), medicine ball deadlifts are nearly identical to picking up that box. This is just one example. The harder you push yourself in the gym and the more you mimic real life, the easier the rest of your day will become.


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